Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Missing Link: Found by Media Angels

Do you find it hard to come up with reading material for your preteen to teen aged children? One walk through the teen section in the bookstore can be scary. I just recently did that and could not believe the horrible materials they are selling for our children. And why are parents buying it? If you are very conscientious about what your children read and want it to be moral, educational, and interesting, I have a series for you. The Truth Seekers Mystery Series by Media Angels was written by a homeschooled teen (You have to love that!) and her mother, Christina and Felice Gerwitz .

I have just finished reading the first book in the series called The Missing Link: FOUND. This is definitely a book for the adventure seekers in your family. There is a lot of action! One caution though, if your children are not use to reading materials with scenes like FBI shootouts, kidnappings, and high speed chases, this may not be something you would want them to read. If they are, they are going to enjoy all the action that takes place as the Murphy children become involved in two different mysteries. Along the way, your children will learn many scientific facts about creation versus evolution. The story itself is fiction, but the authors have stated that all scientific facts in the book are true. Some of your younger readers may get a little lost in the scientific jargon at times (there is a glossary of terms included in the back of the book), but they will still walk away learning something about creation by the end of the book.

One of the things I really liked about the book was the spiritual aspect of it. There were many times throughout the story where the children were in a situation that seemed hopeless and they turned to prayer. They were also trying to be good witnesses to their cousin (who coincidentally believed in evolution). I also thought it was nice how they showed these kids having real feelings and letting them out at times, only to realize it wasn't the most Christian way to handle the situation and they had to make it right.

While some of the storyline may seem a little far fetched at times, and the teens put themselves into danger on several occasions and don't get into trouble by their parents (a good teachable moment!), I still think it is a book worth adding to your home library. It is clean, safe, educational, and for the most part, displays the kind of actions and attitudes we would like to see in our own children. I would not suggest this for a read aloud because of the amount of scientific facts at times, but it would be great for your independent readers. If your children are use to reading classical literature or you are a Charlotte Mason fan, this may not meet the standards you have set for reading material. However, classical literature is often too difficult to read for struggling and preteen readers. This might better suit their needs and not be as childish as some other literature out there on their reading level.

Some other products from Media Angels you might be interested in are their Creation Science Curriculum, Literature Study Guides, Virtual Field-Trips, and even a market place (www.ScholarSquare.com) that allows anyone to learn or teach something.

For more information on how to purchase these books or find about about any of the other products I have mentioned, please go to:
Media Angels
15720 S. Pebble Lane
Ft. Meyers, FL 33912
Tel: 239-433-2097
Fax: 239-489-1060
Email: Felice@mediaangels.com

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